better things ahead

So I said to myself at the start of the year that this would be the year that I would get back on the blogging wagon. This was the year I’d be kicking goals with self-care and ticking things off the 101 in 1001 list.

However, somehow in the midst of trying to balance the usual commitments plus wedding planning and setting up our soon-to-be new home, what felt like non-essentials fell by the wayside. My new love for lettering has also wained due to just lack of energy, inspiration and motivation.

However, having a rare night to myself and my thoughts, it occurred to me that yesterday was my first year anniversary at my no-longer-new work place.

On 4 April 2016, after a decent “funemployment” spell, I rocked up to the city office of my new firm and discovered I had turned up at the wrong office! Safe to say, I’ve had a lot of learning and growth opportunities since then. I’ve been pushed out my comfort zone and realised my wings do work after all. I’ve found a quiet confidence in my own ability and potential. I’ve felt valued and part of something worth building. I should note that nothing from this last 365 (now 366) days discounts what happened the days/years proceeding it. If anything, the past is essential as it sets us up to what lies ahead.

But sometimes it’s only in hindsight that we see what C.S. Lewis observed:

CS Lewis Quote Far Better Things Ahead

There’s an element of faith and trust in that statement. Even if we don’t see the “better things” yet we have got to believe it is out there in order to make the first move.

Last year, I made the first move so that I can now tick goal 71 off the list.

Q1: What’s the “better things” ahead that you are believing for?

Q2: What’s the first move you need to make to get closer to the “better things”?


Featured Image – Photo of sunset on St Kilda Road, 25 March 2017 (taken on iPhone 6s)

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