The Run – in photos

I know it was only 10 kms but I’m feeling tired so I’ll let the photos* do the talking…

$2 face paint at 7am in the morning!
warming up at Fed Square!
One of the Angels and me before the run
lovely day for a run

inching closer to the start line...

Apparently,  my run past the starting line featured on the evening news hehe

venturing into uncharted territory (near the 7km mark)
my awesome running buddy/coach/cousin!
Thank you, Ada for coming out to meet me at the finish line :)
...satisfied :)
Ran the 10kms (6.21371192237 miles for my American friends) a lot quicker than I anticipated at 1hr and 14 mins (only stopping once not counting water station pauses).  PtL for no rain and a pretty good weather AND an awesome running buddy who could have run a much better time, but stayed with me all the way and kept encouraging me to push through :).  Donation tally is currently at $462.00 with a few pledges coming next week – if you would like to make a contribution to the awesome work of A21, it’s not too late to provide support together for a better future for those living in human slavery- an injustice that unbelievably still exists in the 21st century – see fundraising blog :).
Another full week of work and cover-letter writing ahead so I better get an early night!  Have a great week y’all (as my Alabama intern buddy would say)!
♥ Ames
*photos taken on iPhone, edited with Camera+ app

4 thoughts on “The Run – in photos

  1. A 10k is quite an accomplishment! My sisters ran one back in February at an event for Congenital Heart Defects. I would have ran with them, but I was still recovering from a c-section. I’d do it next year too but by then I’m hoping to be pregnant with baby #2.

    Congrats! You did a great job! Props to you for believing in such a great cause and for doing something about it.

    P.S. I’m going to send you your goodies from the giveaway as soon as I get some extra money, which should be this Tuesday. :)

    1. Thanks, Amy! I’m still feeling it in my legs a bit but I’m still functioning alright after it :P. Well, I think having baby #2 would be a big accomplishment in itself… looking forward to hearing the good news!

      And no rush with the goodies (though I’m thoroughly looking forward to them!)… it’ll be a lovely surprise whenever they come :). Cheers!

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